intercessory prayer for israel
Second Wednesday of Every Month; BX 4011 Austin Drive, Chattanooga, TN; 10:00 AM - Noon
Messianic Ministry to Israel P.O. Box 22654 Chattanooga, TN 37422 423-240-6317Our Lord calls us to pray and to speak His Word of Shalom or "peace" (Romans 1:16) which is the Gospel. Will you join me? We will begin praying at 10:00AM and continue until 12 Noon. Please feel free to come when you can and leave according to your needs. Thank you!Diana Mitchell
The biblical holy city of Yerushalayim. For the messianic Shalom promised in Psalm 122:6. The context is Messiah's reign on the throne of David. God is not going to allow peace in the Middle East especially in His holy city until Israel recognizes His Son, Yeshua. May all that is happening today procure the fulfillment of that prophetic truth;
The biblical holy land of Yisrael. For the estate that is the inheritance of Yeshua according to Zechariah 2:12. He is returning to the holy land of Yisrael and modern Yisrael is not ready. Oh pray for the Jewish people to make ready for there Messiah's entry as King;
The biblical people of Yisrael. For Israelis to come to know their Messiah, Yeshua in accordance to Romans 1:16 and Romans 11. God has not abandoned His people. God forbid! There is a remnant;
The messianic believers in the holy land, Yisrael to be strengthened as Messiah dwells within them by faith and that they would know the love of Messiah according to Ephesians 3:16-19;
The messianic believers in the holy land, Yisrael to be filled with God's wisdom, understanding, heroic valor, and His will; that they may live a life worthy of their calling amidst a hostile environment to the Gospel according to Colossians 2:6,7;
The messianic believers in the holy land, Yisrael to be protected, and those near and around them to be drawn to Yeshua by their love of God and His Messiah Yeshua and their courage in the face of danger and sinister attacks;
The old and the elderly have always been a concern of our God; pray they may be comforted, the old and young alike according to Isaiah 40:1;
The nations of the world to know the only way of peace, the only truth, and the only happy, productive and everlasting life, is Yeshua;
That our God will use the confusion, hate, and war happening in the Middle East for His purpose in accordance to Psalm 91 and Zechariah 12;
That the nations of the world might be enlightened before it is everlastingly too late, to the dept of God's wrath against those who do not obey the Gospel and follow His Son, the only savior of mankind in accordance to Isaiah 60:12. Those not obeying God's decree concerning His Son abide [still] in their sins and under God's wrath.
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