Multifaceted Mission

The MISSION TO ISRAEL is Multifaceted

(1) The mission of MMI is to introduce our team to biblical missions. Israel is foremost of the nations for the great commission (Matthew 28:19), "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth" (Acts 1:8) is the biblical protocal of missions, and "to the Jews, first and also the Gentiles" (Romans 1:16) is the biblical mandate and priority of missions. The result is the remnant of Israel is being saved (Romans 11). 

(2) The mission of MMI is to introduce our select mission team to the Jewish believers MMI supports, and their ministries; these are those who are obeying the mandate of biblical missions.

(3) The mission of MMI is to introduce our mission team to the biblical geographical context of the Holy Scriptures, that is, the beautiful picturesque Holy Land of Israel.

(4) The mission of MMI is to introduce our team to the chosen people, Israel and what "chosenness" means. We will interface with Orthodox Jews, Conservative Jews, Reform Jews, Lubavitch Jews, Chasidic Jews, Reconstructionist Jews, Karaite Jews, Chabadic Jews, and Arabs, Druze, Bedouins, and Asians, etc. You will meet them all as we travel about God's backyard.

(5) The mission of MMI is to introduce our team to biblical eschatology, the pretribulation, premillennial eschatological ("last days") plan of God for Israel.

(6) The mission of MMI is to introduce our team to Israeli culture and life, Israel being the epicenter of the world.

(7) The mission of MMI is to introduce Israel to our team; we are the perfume (aroma) of Messiah by our presence. God will direct providential meet ups to pray and opportunities to befriend Israelis.   

The content of this website is copyrighted and reflects the faith, values, and views of our Christian Ministry to Israel