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MESSIANIC Ministry to Israel

Messianic Ministry to Israel is a 501(c)3 non-profit ministry that began in 1944 for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Yeshua with the Jewish people, and also with the Gentiles according to Romans 1:16. The mission is performed by families, individuals, and congregations in Israel and the United States supported by MMI monthly. All donations of support to the evangelistic work of MMI are tax deductable. Thank you! 


YOEL: The DAY OF THE LORD is Coming and There Has Never Been Anything Like It. Yoel warns the people of God that a plague of Locusts is coming; four kinds of locusts will destroy their land, but the locusts are analagous of the enemies at Israel's gates. Worse is coming! Yoel is apocalyptic and kin to the book of Revelation which speaks of locusts to ascend from the abyss (Rev.9:1-10) with their commander, Abaddon (Hebrew)/Apollon (Greek) let loose by an angel from heaven who holds the key (Rev.9:11-21). This world is about to encounter hell upon the planet and there is no other world to escape -escape Yeshua's Kingdom! For myriads it is too late; they loved their pleasure in unrighteousness. Oy Vey! You can purchase the book from MMI or at Crumbs From the Jewish Table Publications. Click Here

The Feast of First-Fruits: He Arose a Victor from the Dark Domain. In the New Testament the Feast of First-Fruits appears metaphorically to Messiah Yeshua Who is called the firstfruits of those who were dead, referring to Yeshua being the first one resurrected from the dead to die no more. Yeshua was indeed dead, and where was He for three days, from Passover to First-Fruits? Why was He gone for so long? Who were those who resurrectd with Him and walked through the city, Yerushalayim? Mail $16.00 check or money order to MMI P.O. Box 22654 Chattanooga, TN. 37422. Or, you may use the "Donate" portal button (above). You may also purchase the book at Click Here 

A Book Called Enoch. The Book of Enoch was discovered in Cave 4 at Qumran (4Q532). Before the flood, angels left their habitation and descended upon Mount Hermon. These fallen ones swore loyalty to the defilement of humanity and took to themselves daughters of Adam. Later, they asked Enoch to mediate for them, but God hushed Enoch's prayer. The apostate Watchers and Angels could never return. Enoch walked with God, angels fell with satan, stars revealed the Gospel, dreams proclaimed messiah, and prophecies foretold the times.  Suddenly, Enoch was no more. Yeshua said the last days would be like the days of Noah. Enoch was one of two men who went to heaven alive. Beloved, we are not getting out of this alive -unless, of course, He comes for us in the Rapture. Mail $15.00 to Messianic Ministry to Israel P.O. Box 22654 Chattanooga, TN 37422. Or, click here to order from Amazon.

The Watchlist: Questions and Answers Concerning the Last Days. Will Israel have a temple in the last days? Is the Lord coming twice, in the Rapture and at the Second Coming? Is the great tribulation another Holocaust? Who is the antichrist? Is the mark of the beast a tatoo, a numerical credit, a name? Why is the Golan Heights so important to God, Satan, and Israel? What is the meaning of the times of the Gentiles and the fullness of the Gentiles? Who are the all israel that will be saved? Is modern Israel since 1948 fulfilled prophecy? Who are the two witnesses coming to Jerusalem? What precipitates the War of Armageddon? This book answers myriad questions concerning the end of days. Mail $20.00 check or money order to MMI P.O.Box 22654, Chattanooga,TN 37422, or use the "Donate" button above. Purchase the book at Click here: 

Yeshua's Yisrael. Who owns the land that the Holy Scriptures call "holy land?" From Genesis, the first scroll of Holy Writ, to the Apocalypse or Revelation of Yeshua (Revelation 1:1), the last scroll of Holy Writ,  "Land" is a major motif. The Land's Lord is YHWH and He has both promised and warned humanity, in particular, the nation of Israel, that there are prerequisites for inheritance of the Promised Land and retaining His holy estate. Read the Scriptures for yourself and see that disobedice is divine cause for exile from God's Backyard. So! Do the Holy Scriptures Validate the Modern Jewish and Palestinian Claim to the Holy Land Called Israel? Not, while Israelis (Jews) and Palestinians (Arabs) continue to reject the LandLord's Son, Yeshua! What modern Israel and the Palestinians are about to inherit is Great Tribulation. For the book, mail $20.00 check or money order to MMI P.O. Box 22654 Chattanooga, TN. 37422. Or, you may use the "Donate" portal button above. You may also purchase the book at Click Here 

The Passover: A Drama of Messiah, a Dinner of Theology. Prepare your heart to see Yeshua in His Passover. You will see Him on the table in the basic elements, the food and drink, and in the Hebrew prayers, the Hebrew songs, and the Hebrew drama. All over the room, you will see Yeshua, since Pesach the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. This book is a messianic Haggadah or "telling" of Pesach or Passover, by MMI Executive Director, Reggie Lisemby. Passover is a drama of Yeshua and a rehearsal for the future Passover we will have with Yeshua in His millennial Kingdom. Passover is also a dinner of theology! For the book, mail $20.00 check or money order to MMI P.O. Box 22654 Chattanooga, TN. 37422. Or, you may use the "Donate" portal button above. You may also purchase the book at


P.O. Box 22654  Chattanooga, TN 37422    423-240-6317    Messianic Ministry to Israel

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